PhD candidate
She was born in Athens on December 28, 1990. During the period 2008-2014 she completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Ioannina. In the period 2015-2017 she developed her postgraduate thesis: “Measurement of non-linear optical properties of dithiolenic complexes of Nickel by means of the z-scan technique” in the “Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory” of the University of Ioannina. Since July 2018, she has been working on her PhD thesis at the Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute(TPCI) and the Laboratory of Photonics for Nano-applications at the National Hellenic Research Foundation(NHRF) in collaboration with the Department of Infromatics and Computer Engineering at the University at the of West Attica under the supervision of Dr. Riziotis and Dr. Bogris.