The Parallel and Distributed Systems and Networks (PDSN) Lab is a newly established research entity belonging to the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the University of West Attica. The members of the lab are professors of the department who have thorough experience in areas tackling the broad scope of parallel and distributed systems and networks arena. The main motivation for the establishment of the PDSN was to create a critical mass of researchers-professors of the department who have expertise in relevant and multi-disciplinary topics in Information and Communication technologies. The objectives of the strong collaboration in the context of the lab are :

  • To develop synergy and lay the ground for co-operation with research groups of other Universities and Research Institutions in Greece and abroad.
  • To develop research infrastructures in order to enforce the research and education potential of the lab in the relevant scientific areas.
  • To get involved in research and development projects funded by national and European sources.
  • To better transfer the obtained expertise to the undergraduate and postgraduate courses organized by the department.