Dimitrios Kallergis

qode interactive strata
Broadband communications, networks and cybersecurity unit






Office Address

K10.135, K10, Πανεπιστημιούπολη Άλσους Αιγάλεω

Dimitrios Kallergis is Lecturer of Net-Centric Systems and Cloud Computing at the University of West Attica – Dpt. of Informatics & Computer Engineering since April 2019. He holds a Master’s Degree in Data Communication Systems from the Brunel University (2007, London – UK), a Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Networks and Distributed Computing from the University of Westminster (2002, London – UK) and a Diploma in Electronic Computer Systems Engineering from the Piraeus University of Applied Sciences (2000, Greece). The public defence of his doctoral research is about to be scheduled. During the past 6 years, he has worked as a Quality Control Expert and Technical Coordinator at the University of Piraeus Research Center (UPRC) in R&D programs focusing on ad-hoc/mobile networks, cloud computing and innovative structures for the labour market. Dimitris has been employed as a Research/Teaching Associate (2000-2017) at the Piraeus University of Applied Sciences, Dept. of Electronic Computer Systems Eng. and as a freelancer engineer in the field of IT networks and services on private & public sector assignments. He has also coordinated several undergraduate students’ Placement Programmes during their BSc studies. Since 2015, he is a visiting Lecturer at the University of Piraeus and the University of West Macedonia. His research interests include cloud computing, ad-hoc networking, cyber-physical systems and IT law and regulation and his published works are hosted in IEEE repositories. Dimitris is continuously contributing in the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA).

Research Interests

Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Cyber-Physical Systems, Ad hoc Networks, Cybersecurity, Communications and Information Regulatory Frameworks, IT Law.


Computer Networks Ι
Computer Networks ΙI
Networks and Communications Security
Software Defined Networks
Cloud Computing Services
Communications and Information Security Regulatory Framework
Software Defined Networks (postgraduate course)
Cloud Computing Services (postgraduate course)